Having researched and watched Carol Dweck’s video on Growth Mindset (2014), I have gained knowledge on ‘The Power of Yet’ and ‘The Bridge to Yet’. The power of yet allows for learning curves and development in specific areas of a person, she mentioned that some of the test children said that they loved a challenge and anything that will develop their skills, this being called having a ‘Growth Mindset’. However, some children said that they found it very challenging and that next time they had to take the test that they would cheat instead, this would be called having a ‘Fixed Mindset’.
I also found her concept interesting on ‘The Bridge to Yet’, where she described this as being the process of engagement, improvement and resilience if children are praised wisely for their hard work. This gives children more confidence in their work and can also change their mindset from being pushed outside of their comfort zone, this can develop into a growth mindset. I would also like to add that she spoke about equality in the ability to develop a growth mindset as long as the term ‘yet’ was used when targets were not achieved, thus transforming a child who has difficulty with tasks to an overachieving child whose neurons have made new connections in the brain.
From the contents of carols ted talk I have realised myself that as a child I grow up to have a very fixed mindset, where if I did not achieve the first time I would not want to try to achieve again. However, since growing up and becoming more of an adult I have developed a ‘Growth Mindset’ without really realising what I was trying to fix. This is also something that I will discuss in my reflections which are also located on my Blog.