Semester one module: Semantics and Pragmatics

Hello there! Here is a short introduction to the module Semantics and Pragmatics (my vote goes to SemPrag for short). This module will introduce you to the study of meaning. You will learn about the meanings of linguistic expressions which are stored in our minds (Semantics) and the way these linguistic meanings are enriched in communication (Pragmatics).


The textbook: Paul R. Kroeger Analyzing meaning : An introduction to semantics and pragmatics. Second corrected and slightly revised edition

The PDF version is freely available to everyone from the link below and you will be able to access it through the YSJ library as well.

Here are some pre-arrival readings to give you an idea of what we will be doing during the Semantics part of the module (skim reading is just fine).

As quizzes are a good (and scientifically proven!) way to memorise things try this short Quiz (only 6 questions). The quiz will test your knowledge on orientational, ontological and structural metaphors as well as on source domain and target domain. The article on conceptual metaphors should be very helpful with this. You can do the quiz as many times as you like and you will receive instant feedback! 🙂

And why not turn to YouTube to see what Pragmatics is all about. The video below is a great starter and is asbestos-free! (Watch video for more explanation) Make sure to read some of the comments as well! I found them hilarious.

Looking forward to meeting you!