Libby Ince: Professional Portfolio

My Work

Sparks success, sparks controversy

Within the first 6 months of the Spark container site opening, it made 1.5M due it its individual, exciting and unique image which has brought something new and different to the city.

Jo Little, Head of Marketing at Spark says “we knew that it would be popular with certain groups of people who didn’t feel that they were being catered for at existing venues”.

Spark have also provided 400 hours of community activities and events.

Jo says, “we provide an inclusive space where everyone feels comfortable regardless of social background and economic status”

The community events are free as Spark aims to provide a place of community for everyone.
Spark also caters for independent businesses, allowing them to provide their services within Sparks venue to help them reach the target customers they may not reach as a stand alone business elsewhere.

Jo Little says, “for our traders, we want to provide an affordable place where they can build their businesses and eventually move on to bigger and better things”.

Spark have provided sixty jobs for people from marginalised backgrounds and for people with learning difficulties.

It seems as though Spark have catered for everybody, however the council have branded the facility as an eyesore for the public and stated that Spark had not followed the agreed engineering rules.

However, Jo Little says “We have in place all relevant insurances and safety certificates to the satisfaction of our Landlord”.

She also said that they are awaiting the outcome of their planning application for the roof.

Residents of York seem to enjoy Sparks rustic and unique image, specifically students.

Andreas Pavlou, a Student in York says, “Everyone’s going to have their complaints about Spark but York should be a city for everyone and i feel like Spark caters for those who don’t get much enjoyment from other venues in York”

Many seem to have branded Spark as a location for ‘hipsters’, however some may argue that Spark strives to embrace individuality and caters for everyone they can.

Many traders are proud to be a part of Sparks community as Spark aids their business and helps them thrive.

In regards to the ‘eyesore’ branding that Spark have been given due to the council not agreeing on the image that Spark is portraying, Spark still seem to thrive and stand by their image.

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