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Students at YSJ have their say on the importance of young people voting

Young voters are notoriously known for neglecting their right to vote on various policies and decisions within the UK. On the other hand, young voters who are keen to have their say within society aren’t able to due to the age restriction being 18.
Many young people believe that they should be encouraged more to vote due to the fact that many of the policies voted upon, effect young people in particular. Therefore, it is understandable to question the age limitations to vote.

A survey was conducted to enable young people within society to finally have a chance to speak up about their right to vote and the importance of voting.

How old should you be to be able to vote?

The chart shows that there is a tie between 17 and 18 years of age. However, 17 only got 14% of the votes. This could indicate that some may feel 16 year olds are able to make an informed choice within society to vote, however some of the voters believe 18 is a mature age to make an accurate decision.

The survey also asked if the voters participated in the decision regarding Brexit. Due to the survey being aimed at younger people, it is no surprise that the data showed that none of the contributors were able to vote and put their opinion across on Brexit due to being too young to vote. This suggests that the system may need to be re-evaluated in order to consider younger people who should have a right to an opinion within society.

The survey then asked if the contributors think younger people should be given more of an opportunity to vote.

The survey clearly shows that young people believe they should be given more of an opportunity to vote however some respondents had specific opinions. One contributor makes a significant point regarding the fact that many of the policies affect young people in particular so it clearly makes sense to give them more freedom to vote. However, one respondent has an interesting opinion on the fact that the age of voting could be 16 if young people were informed more on the subject matter which is a fair point to put across. This suggests that the government should try harder to involve young people more in the process of voting as it is extremely important in shaping out society.

The final question of the survey stated “Why is voting important to you?” to which a range of different answers and opinions were received.

The respondents had some outstanding answers and opinions towards why voting is important to them. Most of the opinions are crucially important within society such as the response from Andreas Pavlou, a 1st year student studying Philosophy at York St John University. Andreas said, ” It’s important to have your voice heard it shouldn’t be taken for granted! There are a lot not so fortunate in other countries who don’t get to have an opinion”. This is inspiring and encouraging to those who are eligible to vote, yet they refuse to participate then complain when the vote goes the way they didn’t want it to.

The survey has notably represented that young people should be more involved by encouragement within society. The majority of the younger generation don’t believe that their opinions matter and that even if they did vote, nothing would change. However, the more involvement voting gets from young people, the more society is required to oblige to our needs.

What are your thoughts on the importance of voting?
Share them via Twitter: @LibbyInceYSJ
Get your voice heard, stand up and vote.

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