Libby Ince: Professional Portfolio

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The Social Media uprise against Trumps plans to abolish the imported Ivory ban

Before President Obamas ban on exported Ivory, Elephants that covered the African Plains by the millions, dropped to fewer than half a million as about 35,000 are killed each year. This ban had the potential to stop the worlds largest land animal from being completely wiped out of existence.

The species is currently listed as ‘threatened’ under the US Endangered species act. Wildlife conservations are devastated due to statistics showing that poaching has increased in areas where trophy hunting is permitted which puts the species in significant danger of extinction.

Ellen DeGeneres, a popular talk show host and fond lover of animals has expressed her feelings towards the ban being lifted, stating that Elephants show compassion, sympathy, social intelligence and self awareness.

Ellen started a social media movement called #BeKindToElephants , which involved getting the public to retweet an elephant logo to raise awareness on the matter.


Through the power of social media, Trump has showed signs are rethinking his choice to lift the ban on exported ivory, he stated that

“Big game trophy decision will be announced next week but will be very hard pressed to change my mind that this horror show in any way helps conservation of Elephants or any other animal”

Although Trump hasn’t stated for definite the status of this act being changed, the strength that social media has to strike against danger to Elephants or any other animal is phenomenal.

Along with the public, many wildlife organisations have given their insight on the industry and have shown how they have tried to preserve Elephants and the many obstacles that they face with hunters.

One of the most prominent Elephant conservations is the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust organisation which is in fact mentioned by Ellen on her show.  This organisation ensures the wellbeing of elephants and prevents poachers any access.  The trust also cares for orphaned elephants and despite budget cuts, this organisation continues to rescue Elephants everyday.

Join the movement and retweet #BeKindToElephants here

Twitter: @LibbyinceYSJ

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