Libby Ince: Professional Portfolio

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More than a quarter of students stay at home while they study- Is it a good choice?

Moving away from home for University can be daunting and difficult to adjust to for many students. However, many feel that it gives you important life skills and independence that could significantly benefit your future especially when applying for jobs and living on your own. 

Philippa Hood, from Newcastle and currently studying at Nottingham University says, ” Moving away from home was hard due to the fact that Nottingham is far away from Newcastle, However I am fully enjoying having some independence”. She also expresses her thoughts on money management stating that “When I first came to Uni I didn’t realise how important budgeting is as it is hard to find a job due to competition with dozens of other students”.

Statistics show that more than a quarter of students stay in the UK stay home while they study but face the risk of missing out on ‘Uni life’.  Staying at home can be isolating for some due to others making friends with people living around them. This simple aspect can change a students whole Uni experience. Caitlin Ince, 22, recently dropped out of Sunderland University after her first year due to the isolating nature of living at home. “I struggled to commute from Newcastle to Sunderland everyday and I missed out on a lot of things such as fresher’s. It was also difficult to stay in touch with any friends I made as they all lived together”.

Many Universities now try harder to get everyone involved through the use of Sports and Societies, however may not replace the ideal experience of feeling independent. Despite tuition fees rising, students still favour the option of moving away from home for the thrill and excitement of freedom and independence.

Libby Cuffling, a first year student at York St John University, shares some of her Uni experiences. ” I do miss my Mum making my meals for me every night, but the exciting experience of meeting new people completely over rides it. I don’t have to worry about coming home drunk after a night out!” However, many students that live away for home have to carry the burden and the pressure of a student loan which doesn’t always cover the full cost of the accommodation.

Libby says, ” I often have to borrow money from my Mum and I have begun to budget and cut down on expensive products  due to my student loan not covering my full accommodation fee which can be quite stressful at times as I don’t want to always depend on my parents”.

It seems like many students decide to go to University for more than just a degree but also to make friends for life and prepare themselves with the skills they need for the future. Student, Charley Punshon states that “University is more than just educational, moving away from home was the best thing I ever did because it’s prepared me for life.

What’s your choice?

Twitter:  @LibbyinceYSJ


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