Events Access & Inclusivity

At York St John University, we are committed to making our events as welcoming and inclusive for as many people as possible.

All live, virtual events are available with auto-generated subtitles.

If you have specific access requirements you would like to discuss, please contact to discuss how we can help. We will do our best to facilitate your request but cannot guarantee provision.

Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct has been developed to help make sure our delegates and presenters safe and comfortable at this event. Our underpinning philosophy is one of kindness and compassion for all participants. Delegates, presenters and session chairs are all requested to become familiar with the code.

MS Teams

Some live events taking place as part of this conference will be using Microsoft Teams.

When you sign up for any of the live events that are being run as hybrid sessions, you will receive an email joining link. If you are planning to attend in person, you do not need to do anything. If you are logging in remotely, this link will only become live at the start of the session.

To have the best experience during the live sessions we recommend taking the following actions:

  • For best connectivity, please download Teams to your device in advance and use the relevant link to join the session. If you already have Teams, check you have the most up-to-date version.
  • Please ensure that you login to join the live talk 5 minutes ahead of time to allow for a prompt start. 
  • Once you have logged into Teams, you will be entered into a waiting room and will be manually admitted to the session by the session facilitator. This may take a few minutes, so please do not worry if you are not admitted straight away.
  • All Teams sessions taking place at this event are scheduled to be recorded, so please turn off microphones until the talks are finished and you are invited to speak.