“It’s never been cool to be good at maths” – Exploring stereotypes of people that study maths

In the recently released autumn budget for 2017, the government have offered schools £600 for every extra student that studies mathematics at A level. Despite being considered a subject for ‘nerds’ in school, the government are keen for young people to choose maths as a potential career path. This contrast in opinion has brought up the question on a lot of people’s minds; is maths still an ‘uncool’ subject, or has clever become cool? Three second year students of mathematics at the Russell Group University of Leeds discussed their experiences of the stereotypes around maths, and whether they were encouraged to choose maths as the foundation for their future.

Joe Barron, 19

When asked if they felt they had been encouraged to pursue maths, they suggested that while their schools had not guided pupils towards the subject, their parents felt it was a beneficial path to follow. Richard said: “I don’t remember my school encouraging maths. My mum encouraged me though; I remember when I was 4 or 5 working through maths books with her.” Joe agreed, saying: “My parents encouraged me, they think it’ll give me good prospects.”

“I hate telling people what I study”

Richard Cotton, 19

They all concurred that maths had not been as such a decision, but the only realistic option; Richard stated: “It was the only thing I was good at in school”, and the others agreed. However, they also agreed that this was a positive thing; mathematical skill and knowledge is coveted by employers, so natural ability is a huge benefit. Joe remarked: “I think I’ve made a good decision.”

“People think we’ll earn more money”

Kieran Brian, 20

Stereotypes of those that study or work in mathematics are common; people often make assumptions that mathematicians look, dress and even behave a certain way. When discussing this, the students agreed that most people seem to hold at least some preconceived opinions of those that study maths, which can be frustrating. Kieran commented: “I don’t think people look at me and think ‘he’s good at maths’. When I tell someone what I study it’s usually met with ‘Oh, really?’ People tend to think you’re a bit of a weirdo.” He added: “The stereotype can be pretty accurate sometimes, but not always.” Richard said, laughing: “I definitely fit the stereotype!”

 “It’s never been cool to be good at maths”

Mathematics may never be a fashionable subject, yet it is invaluable. To be skilled in such a beautiful science surely cannot be a bad thing- so perhaps the commonly held preconceptions of those that study maths are dated and illogical. After all, it is said that nerds run the world.

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