Marcia Pearson

Media Production: Journalism Student at York St John University

Shooting for Mobile Devices

Shooting for Mobile Journalism: Healthy Eating from Marcia Pearson on Vimeo.

Published on Instagram here.

Contextualising Statement

For this task, I was initially faced with a time restraint of a 3 hour session to produce the finished artefact. Due to falling ill on the day, I had to reschedule this. I wanted to stay neutral to the other students therefore I allowed myself to have only 3 hours to film my entire video. Whilst filming on an iPad, I aimed to produce a professional looking artefact. As I was going to be out doing the shoot on my own, it was important to me to produce a risk assessment. “The risks can be evaluated and minimalised” (Mitchell, 2009) (see appendix 1).

Focusing on healthy eating, I aimed to engage with a target audience of 18-24 year olds. Knowing that I would be posting my finished artefact on Instagram, I applied a youthful, energetic vibe throughout the 60 seconds. This was achieved by using technical, visually pleasing shots, with upbeat backing music to be attention grabbing.

An issue I thought I may encounter was filming in loud locations, which wouldn’t give the best sound quality. To overcome this, I decided that the best thing to do would be to record a voiceover for the visuals, meaning I could control the volume of the location in which I was recording. “Try to record in a quiet place with little background noise”. (Bradshaw, 2018)

I personally found the PTC section of the video difficult as I feel awkward in front of the camera. With that being on the task criteria, I was forced into a situation I wasn’t entirely comfortable with, allowing me to gain experience with talking to a camera in a public setting. The main thing I gained from this project was confidence.


Bradshaw, P. (2018). The Online Journalism Handbook. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge.

Mitchell, L. (2009). Production Management for Television. London: Routledge.

Appendix 1

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