Week Two

After using the weekend to reflect on the use of my time during my placement with the Working Travel Group, I felt refreshed and confident at the beginning of the new week.

The week began with a meeting, where the supervisors expressed that there would be reduced contact from them due to alternative responsibilities. This boosted morale amongst myself and my fellow content researchers, as we felt as though they were confident in our abilities. However, as we approached the middle of the week, a range of technical problems occurred for my fellow interns.

As we weren’t able to directly contact our supervisors, we had to communicate amongst ourselves and persevere in order to solve these technical difficulties. The main problem was that the hotels the other interns were researching were not in their designated sector of the system and we were not equipped with the knowledge of how to alter this. By persevering, I was able to assist the other interns and find the locations of the missing hotel information.

This was especially important, as without finding this information, the pace of our work would have been compromised due to not being able to quickly communicate with our supervisors to resolve the issue.

Assisting the other interns gave me a sense of confidence whilst continuing my placement with the Working Travel Group. When we were back in communication with our supervisors, they expressed their gratitude for our forward-thinking and ability to solve the issue without any assistance from themselves.

This second week of the work placement gave me confidence in my ability to resolve unforeseen issues.

Hints and Tips: Hard work and conscientiousness is rewarded in business settings.

Megan Curbishley.  

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