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Camera Comparison Review Video

“Our brain loves video because it is programmed to retain visual content better than a page loaded with words. According to studies, the average viewer remembers 95% of a message when it is watched, whereas only 10% when read.” (zipstrr 2017)

Working in crews of 4 we had to create a 4-5 minute video in which we reviewed the Canon C100 digital cinema camera, comparing it with the Canon 77D DSLR camera. The video was intended to help students understand the main differences between the 2 cameras as well as the benefits of progressing from the 77D to the C100. We needed at least 1 presenter on screen and to use the supplied Canon graphics. It was a group edit which could use materials shot on previous tasks and modules to showcase the differences in the images each camera can capture.

The task was time constrained and to shot entirely in the Thursday practical class.

This was a challenging task. It was very last minute, shot in a brief time period in a tiny cramped space, making filming uncomfortable and awkward. However, I was impressed by the way in which our crew worked together even in difficult conditions. We each fulfilled whatever roles were needed.

“It’s your opinion of the product that matters most, though. That, of course, is subjective. Whether it’s the design, build quality or performance, you’ll need to know how it compares to similar products, which is why it’s hard to review a camera […] if you don’t have much to compare it with.” (Martin 2017) We decided on two presenters each giving their opinions about one of the cameras, allowing for a degree of banter and discussion. Sam is comfortable in front of the camera and easily filled the co-presenter role with Sean. Jack worked on more technical tasks such as setting up the gear, although we all mucked in with whatever we could remember. I filled a nominal directing role which mainly consisted of deciding on takes and ensuring everyone stayed as calm and focussed as possible, but I was also running around in search of a tech when we couldn’t get our sound gear to work.

This experience reinforced for me the importance of having a crew who are compatible and work well together, especially in stressful situations. As a result, a task that could have been disastrous turned out better than any of us expected.


zipstrr (2017) This Is Why Video Is the Most Engaging Type of Content. Medium [Internet], 25th August. Available from [Accessed 30th January 2019].

Martin, J. (2017) How to become a tech reviewer. Tech Advisor [Internet], 23rd August. Available from [Accessed 30th January 2019].


Camera Comparison Review Video

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