Breakfast Cafe: Screencasting and Podcasting

Screencasts and Podcasts are a great way to provide engaging learning resources to students, whether it’s explaining assessment criteria, summarising the key points of a lecture, or providing video demonstrations. This morning’s Breakfast Cafe saw us take a look at the process for creating Screencasts and Podcasts and the tools available to do so.

We also shared 6 top tips for creating Screencasts and Podcasts:

• Understand the software you’re using
• Test your microphone and the recording quality
• Record in a quiet location
• Create a recording standard
• Be patient – A one minute video can take two or three minutes to record for an experienced user while a beginner may need longer
• And practice makes perfect

The slides from today’s session can be found below:

During the session we briefly looked at Camtasia Relay, Jing, and Audacity. However, there are a number of Apps available for creating both Screencast and Podcasts:

Finally, thanks to those who were able to make this morning’s session. If you have any questions or would like to borrow any equipment (microphone, webcam, etc) to  get started, then please contact the TEL team:

Daniel & Phil

Further Reading/Resources

JISC Digital Media – Introducing screen capture software
JISC Digital Media – Using screen capture software
JISC – Copyright and legal advice on lecture recording
Educase – 7 things you should know about Podcasting
Mircosoft Office – Turn your PowerPoint presentation into a video

Daniel Mackley

Daniel’s role is to identify staff learning needs and strategically design, deliver and evaluate development interventions related to the effective use of current and emerging Technology Enhanced Learning tools in Higher Education. Working to the Learning & Teaching Development annual objectives and the TEL quality framework, he pro-actively supports and develops staff in their use of technology to enhance the student learning experience. Daniel is also the lead for the teams iPad Project.

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