We’ve Moved!

IMAG0339Technology Enhanced Learning, along with the rest of our colleagues in the Academic Development Directorate, have now moved offices!

We’re now located in the corner of Quad East/Quad North/Temple, as you go through the door and up the steps then TEL is located on the right (TWM11), and ADD on the left (TWM09).

Unfortunately we may still be inaccessible to some, so please let us know if you would prefer us to come to you, or to meet in an alternative location.

If you ever need any specialist help or advice, or just want a chat about learning technologies, e-pedagogies and ways in which you can harness the benefits of technology for teaching, learning & assessment, feel free to just pop in to our office.


Phil Vincent

Phil’s focus is to work across Faculties to support the implementation of the Academic Strategy, and in particular contribute to the effective development and implementation of technology enhanced learning.

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