ALT Annual Conference 2015 Call for Proposals

ALT_small_logo1The 22nd annual conference of the Association for Learning Technology, 8–10 September 2015, University of Manchester, UK.

The ALT Annual Conference 2015 Call for Proposals has been issued at

As the leading Learning Technology conference in the UK, the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) annual conference brings together practitioners, researchers and policy makers from across education to share their research and experience.

The Annual Conference will give you the opportunity to network, explore new learning technologies at the exhibition, attend the presentation of the Learning Technologist of the Year Award, take part in the ALT AGM and participate in a variety of community-led activities including meetings of ALT’s regional and special interest groups.

The 2015 conference will be chaired by Amanda Jefferies, University of Hertfordshire and Liz Masterman, University of Oxford, under the theme ‘Shaping the Future of Learning Together’. The programme will reflect the theme of shaping and sharing learning through breaking down the traditional divisions between stakeholders and between their roles, with a focus on:

  1. Harnessing the power of the crowd – collaboration and connectivist learning;
  2. Social media in learning and teaching;
  3. Open educational practice;
  4. Learners as agents of change;
  5. Participatory approaches to the development of learning technologies.

Your 500 word proposal needs to show clearly how your session is going to address the relevant theme and should where possible include recent research, case studies, practice or learner perspectives from any learning context including schools, colleges, universities and industry.

Keep in mind that the proposal you submit for review now will, if accepted, also be used for inclusion in the conference programme and is the primary way for participants to choose which session to attend.

Key dates for your diary:

  • Join the Programme Committee: January 2015
  • Webinars for potential authors: February 2015
  • Submit a proposal from Thursday 5 February:
  • Deadline for proposals: Midnight GMT Friday 13 March 2015
  • Webinar for accepted authors: May 2015
  • Register to attend: May 2015

Keep up to date with the Annual Conference #altc on Twitter:

If you would like any help in preparing a submission then please contact a member of the TEL team at For details of more external teaching & learning events & conferences please visit the ADD External Events page on our website!


Phil Vincent

Phil’s focus is to work across Faculties to support the implementation of the Academic Strategy, and in particular contribute to the effective development and implementation of technology enhanced learning.

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