A-Z Tools & Technologies: Tricider
What is Tricider?
Tricider is a free web based application where users can post a question and share it with others for brainstorming or collecting votes or getting feedback. It might be useful for eliciting opinions about a subject or feedback on the service provided in order to make informed decisions. It can also be used for online classroom collaboration – group work; organising ideas; commenting on ideas and adding arguments; coming up with solutions and learning together.
“Edvertisement: Tricider” – a video clip introducing the idea of using Tricider to make brainstorming richer:
How does it work?
In order to create a poll or a class group activity you need to go to: http://www.tricider.com/home and type your question in the space provided right in the centre of the screen. You do not have to set up an account but if you wish to access summary of comments then follow the simple account set up instructions.
The free version has a limit on how long the question is open to entries. After 13 days the poll is closed and you can access summarised information from the ‘tricision’ (question) overview screen.
Here are some of the features of the free brainstorming tool:
- anyone can answer the question even without logging in
- to invite people to reply to your question you either email or provide a link or post it on facebook or other social media
- ‘tricision overview’ shows all questions you’ve asked
- you can add the ‘tricision’ to a blog, website etc
- you can add description and images to ideas
Go to the tricider website for more details: http://www.tricider.com/features
What are the implications for Teaching, Learning and Assessment?
This service can be used in class for group work or to get online feedback after an activity or course. It can also provide a base for brainstorming ideas or mindmapping around a topic. This can support debates and discussions in class and online. Good for yes/no as well as open ended questions. It could also be used for formative assessment.
Useful website links, videos, infographics etc. about Tricider
A free online course on using tricider: http://alison.com/courses/Using-Tricider-for-Online-Classroom-Collaboration
An example of a tricision ‘Why are teachers not using ICT’: http://www.tricider.com/embed/?show=2uGVeXBKL5h
My attempt at creating a tricision: http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2mtYPvWVv3Z
What do you use for brainstorming and feedback? Would you consider using tricider instead or do you find your strategies easier? Please enter your thoughts in the comments section below.
Great post Agnieszka! Tricider looks like a really easy to use tool, and looks quite useful too!
Russell Stannard has some great video tutorials on his website on how to use Tricider: http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/sharing-discussing/tricider.html
Thank you Phil. It was very interesting to read about Tricider and find out how it is used. I am certainly planning to use it to get quick feedback. Thank you for the link to the training videos too. Just wondering if you could post your reply to my tricision on what is your favourite browser and why? here is the link: http://www.tricider.com/admin/2mtYPvWVv3Z/60Y5kIW2NWt
Hi Agnieszka. This looks amazing. I usually brainstorm with flip chart paper and marker pens. It gets the students up and about and working in teams. However, this might add a bit of variety to my sessions! Thanks!
Thank you Rebecca. I look forward to hearing about your first tricision. Could you also please take part in my poll here: http://www.tricider.com/admin/2mtYPvWVv3Z/60Y5kIW2NWt ?
Thanks Agnieszka. I’ve been on your poll and now have set up my own account. The website is really easy to navigate and students don’t necessarily have to have their own account to contribute! Bonus!