Looking ahead to #ALTC 2015

ALT_small_logo1This time next week I’ll be at The University of Manchester for #ALTC 2015 – undoubtedly the biggest learning technologies conference of the year!

I’ve spent the last few days digesting the extensive #ALTC Programme, reading abstracts, and deciding my strategy for getting the most out of what is guaranteed to be an action-packed 3 days (and nights)!

Inspired by David Hopkins blog post ‘Gearing up for #ALTC 2015‘, I thought I’d share them here:


Without initially realising it, I seem to have selected the majority of my sessions from the ‘Participatory approaches to the development of learning technologies‘ theme (yellow), which I think says a lot about how we like to do things here in the TEL team.

I’ll even get to hear from our very own Mark Dransfield as he talks about ‘Linking learning and industry with open badges‘ at 2pm on Wednesday.

Much like my Fantasy Football team, my schedule is likely to change several times before kick-off, as I chop & change my mind and wish that I could clone myself several times in order to attend more sessions (now there’s a scary thought)!

2015-altc-participant-100x100If you are unable to attend the conference then you can still participate online by remote viewing some of the streamed sessions, or by engaging with the conference hashtag #ALTC on Twitter, visit the #ALTC Online Participation webpage for more details. You can even earn the ‘Participant‘ badge from the Open Badges area on the website if you are joining in remotely!

I’ll do my best to capture all of the interesting stuff over the three days and blog about them on here when I get back, but if there is anything in particular you are interested in finding out about while I’m there then please just let me know in the comments below!


P.S. Did you know YSJ Staff are eligible for free Associate Membership of Association for Learning Technology (ALT)!?

Phil Vincent

Phil’s focus is to work across Faculties to support the implementation of the Academic Strategy, and in particular contribute to the effective development and implementation of technology enhanced learning.

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2 Responses

  1. Ian Wilson says:

    Lucky you going to altc Phil!
    Hopefully I will reach the dizzy heights of the TEL department one day that I will be able to present here and attend the conference.

    I really enjoy reading the blog posts that you and your team write after attending conferences – I was wondering whether or not you could include a section relating to impact within your posts – hearing what the talks were about is great and I appreciate the references to new documentation but to see how these sessions will actually impact on teaching, learning and assessment within YSJ would be excellent!
    Hope this will be possible – have a great time!

    • Phil Vincent says:

      Hi Ian
      Thanks for you comment!
      We do try and target conferences that we feel we can get something from, something, as you mentioned, which will directly impact on our work, both short-term and longer-term.
      Take for example Roisin attending ePIC, where we were able to learn about the Open Badge Factory, and immediately put that in place when she came back. On the other hand we had Daniel attend the EMA event, which is more of a slow-burner, and part of an on-going approach to how we frame EMA, and the assessment lifecycle, here in ADD.
      I’m sure #ALTC will give me the same mix of things to take away, and I’ll do my best to identify those in my follow-up blog post.

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