Category: Tools & Technologies


A-Z Tools & Technologies: Flubaroo

Google Forms can be a great way to quickly poll or survey students (providing you are not capturing any sensitive or private data), to stimulate engagement and incorporate active learning to enhance the effectiveness...

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Tips for Tweeting at Conferences

Twitter is a micro-blogging social media platform on which you can post 140 character ‘tweets’ which your followers can see, and you can follow other people to see what they’re sharing. Sounds easy, and...


OnlineTED: Audience Response System

The Technical University of Munich has developed an audience response system (ARS) which is platform-independent and free-to-use for educators and students worldwide. OnlineTED is a web-based audience response system designed specifically for lectures and seminars in higher education. Register...


Lights, Camera, (Greenscreen), Action!

As we see an increase in online/distance learning (ODL), sector-wide as well as locally, we’re also seeing an increase in demand for ‘instructional design’ skills, including learning design, innovative e-learning material creation, and the ability...