Category: Social Media


#YSJ10DoT Evaluation

This iteration of the programme is now over, but you can still work through the materials in your own time or, if you’d like the experience of participating in a community of people all...

Photograph of pastels with the Twitter logo highlighted. 0

Day 6 of #YSJ10DoT: Retweeting

You’ve sent a few tweets over the last five days – hopefully you’ve found plenty in your everyday routine which would be of interest to others, whether they’re your peers, other professions within or...

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Day 3 of #YSJ10DoT: Following People

You’ve sent your first tweets, creating interesting and engaging content for your potential followers. The other side to Twitter, of course, is the stream of information  brought to you by the people you follow. And if...

Image of the Twitter logo on a digital-looking background. 0

Day 2 of #YSJ10DoT: Sending Tweets

What to tweet?  Twitter only allows you to send 140 characters, which doesn’t seem much when we are used to writing at length about complex ideas. That doesn’t mean that Twitter is superficial or...