Technology Enhanced Learning Blog

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Moodle Monday: Course Format

Today’s Moodle Monday is focusing on Course Format, course format refers to the layout of a Moodle course.  Last month there were a few updates to Moodle (that were summarised in this blog post)...

Photograph taken by Rosie Hare of participants in the ALT-C session 0

EdTech fallacies, Kevin Costner and ALT-C

Anybody that was following the #altc hashtag a couple of weeks ago may have noticed some strange tweets from me and others talking about Field of Dreams, Kevin Costner and random connections to learning...

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Moodle Monday: Tracking Student Engagement and Progress

Moodle offers a variety of options for enhancing student engagement & tracking progress, including Moodle Reports, Activity Completion, Conditional Activities, Progress Bar, Open Badges, Engagement Analytics and Course Dedication. Moodle Reports Moodle contains four...

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What’s New in Moodle for 2017/18?

Instead of upgrading the version of Moodle that we’re using for this academic year, we decided to install some additional plugins to give staff some extra tools and functionality to play with. We’ll be...