Tagged: Moodle


Moodle: Creating Courses 18-19

If you are teaching on modules starting in 2018/19, the instructions below will walk you through how to set these up. If your module has already ran once, and you are keeping the module...

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Moodle Monday – Gradebook Calculation Formulas

Today’s Moodle Monday will be focusing on how you can create a formula in Moodle to calculate a weighted mean of grades.  As it stands, Moodle automatically assigns a simple weighted mean of grades...

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Moodle Monday: Groups

Moodle allows you to create groups within the enrolled cohort of students. This has a number of advantages when using Moodle. For example: You may be a tutor in a course where you have...

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TEL Surgeries: Moodle help for staff in January

The TEL Team are holding a number of drop-in ‘surgeries’ in January for staff who may need help setting up their semester 2 Moodle courses, have questions about WordPress or have any other queries...

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Moodle: Adding an EvaSys Evaluation Block

Being able to hear our students’ voice and use it to ensure we offer a high quality student experience is important to the university and key to its’ success. With this in mind EvaSys...

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Moodle Monday: Scheduler Plugin

A new plugin, called Scheduler, has just been added on Moodle. This new feature will allow you to schedule one-to-one or group tutorials with your students in a particular course in Moodle. This is an...

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Moodle Monday: Offline Assignment

This week’s Moodle Monday will take you through the steps on how to create an offline assignment. If your course has assessments such as presentations, exams, art and design shows, dissertations (ie, an assessment...