Is Prada RE-imagining with RE-nylon?

Emphasising the importance that this has to Prada will in turn improve their brand message, or more so it will only make it better. A brand beyond known for their love of their planet and making their ‘contribution’ as Bertelli puts it will make more money than a corporation that is driven by ruining the planet in order to obtain more. Prada are aware that their new target audience will progress to the younger generation and time will tell whether Prada keeps their promise to not only their customers but the planet too. “The large majority of the younger generation are in favour of sustainability” (Mazzi, 2019) so why wouldn’t Prada want to appeal to their new target audience. The younger generation and the younger consumers are the ones that will be saving the planet so if Prada can make a profit whilst helping them achieve their goal then it is a win situation for both parties. This will also send the right message to their customers and with the younger generation running the social media business, this could not only spread the word that Prada is the new source for high fashion with its promise on sustainability, but it could be a good marketing source for the brand. The media coverage also includes the likes of their youtube series showing how their sustainable products are made, and as the younger generation finds itself drawn to platforms like this it’ll be an even easier way to spread their message through visual imagery.

“The large majority of the younger generation are in favour of sustainability.”

– (Mazzi, 2019)

Consumers of Prada aren’t the only partners that they seek during their newfound mission on saving the planet one bag at a time, they also pair with other big names such as Chanel. These brands also realise the importance of sustainability and the message that this gives their consumers. Lorenzo Bertelli says, “almost all the big companies in the fashion sector accept we need to work together.” If the customers of these big brands know that they see sustainability within fashion as a real issue and not a war involving money, they too will want to help with the ultimate goal of creating a better environmental planet.

The many campaigns that Prada have launched and are planning to develop in the future soon show the improvement of both their brand image and their brand value. To Prada and their consumers, it is more than just a bag, it is their future and the fate of the home that they 

Rearick, L. (2019). Go Behind The Scenes Of Prada’s Efforts To Use Only Recycled Nylon. [online] British Vogue. Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2021].

PradaGroup. (2019). Prada Re-Nylon. [online] Available at:

Chan, E. (2019). Why Prada Is Stepping Up Its Sustainability Game. [online] British Vogue. Available at:

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