Is that a double rainbow or is that the fashion world celebrating pride month?

Although this isn’t seen as a marketing scheme, brands are aware about the publicity and attention that these campaigns and garments they are selling will get. It gives across a good brand message but also creates profit at the same time. “fifty three percent of marketers are allocating between up to 4% of their campaigns on LGBT and audiences.” (Curwen, 2019) which makes it an almost middle ground for both sides. Whilst collecting donations for an important cause and spreading awareness of equality these brands are also creating money for themselves.

Asos are known for their contribution towards LGBT support through their own donations and charities and working with the company GLAAD. They release articles on their new and upcoming campaigns based around LGBT, thus using the media to spread attention and making it evident to consumers what they stand for. The difference between Asos and other brands however is 100% of the profits made on LGBT garments goes towards their chosen charities and GLAAD. Yet this is still a perfect marketing strategy, whether Asos intended for it to be or not. Even though they won’t be making any money from these products they could be impressing customers who do donate and buy t shirts for example, creating repeat customers and showing their seriousness, whilst helping an important cause.

“Fashions biggest brands are making a point to bring social justice into the collections they drop” (Bines, 2019) Showing these campaigns offer them media coverage from people enjoying the fun nature of LGBT and fashion, making consumers feel like they have a brand that they can continue to rely on.

Asos (2020). HOW WE’RE CELEBRATING PRIDE MONTH. ASOS. [online] Available at:

Bines, A. (2019). The ASOS x GLAAD 2019 Pride Clothing Collection Gives 100% Of Proceeds To The LGBTQ Community. [online] Bustle. Available at:

Curwen, A. (2019). Luxury Fashion’s Relationship With LGBTQ+ Culture. [online] Fashion Roundtable. Available at:

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