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An overview of the key branding principles

Why Typography is important in branding - Typography

There are some keys to branding principles, and it will overview how they work to make an effective brand in this post.

Firstly, a logo is a brand mark and brand icon. Logo is a simple design that mixes shapes, colors, symbols and text, and it is a symbol of the brand and people can trust the product and services that are provided from the brand through the logo (Slade-Brooking, 2016). A successful logo such as Supreme has value in the logo itself, so that it is necessary for branding to follow the principles of typography in the combination of colors and shapes when creating a logo. 

Secondly, band story is also a significant key principle. Consumers need to recognize how the products are made and where they come from(Slade-Brooking, 2016). These days, there are so many similar products in the world, but if consumers know the history of them, the story telling captures consumers’ emotions. Giving a story to a product differentiates it from other products and increases consumers’ willingness to buy by capturing their emotions. 

In conclusion, it is necessary for branding to give visual and auditory information through photos and videos and appeal to consumers’ emotions by making the most of narratives.


Slade-Brooking, C. (2006). Creating a Brand Identity. London, England: Laurence King Publishing

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