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tella McCartney’s use of visual channels to convey brand values

Stella McCartney expresses its brand value by using visual channels such as websites and Instagram. Stella McCartney is famous as a sustainable fashion brand all over the world. In the section on sustainability on its website, we can appreciate its brand concept. It has a statement that captures the relationship between fashion and the global environment. Also, it has videos on YouTube and a sustainability timeline. Those led consumers to think that Stella McCartney’s products are based on sustainable concepts and good for the environment from the visual graphics on the video and historical texts.      

Also, it uses much natural background on its Instagram, and it states about vegan materials in the captions. Not only is the text that shows it is committed to saving the planet, but also obvious visual photos give people about sustainability. Buying its products has the added value of helping to protect the environment.

Such storytelling products are emotionally engaging for consumers (Kang et al., 2020). The website’s visual understanding of that story sets Stella McCartney products apart. The narrative that it can positively impact the planet appeals strongly to consumer emotions. In addition, people with solid sensory needs are more likely to respond to such narratives. This visual appeal for sustainability increases consumers’ willingness to buy.

Therefore, Stella McCartney has succeeded in gaining a large number of consumers by visually communicating products with a storyline and appealing to consumers’ emotions. 


Kang, J., Hong, S. and Hubbart, G. T. (2020). ‘The role of storytelling in advertising: Consumer emotion, narrative engagement level, and word of mouth intention’, Journal of consumer behavior, 19(1), pp.47-56.

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