Music Video Pitch

Idea’s behind the Inspiration Video


Music Video Script Idea


The And En presentation

350 Words

For this task we had to come up with a pitch for a music video for a new and upcoming band. We had to consider that the band only had a very small budget of £500 and we had to keep it realistic as it was something that we had to be able to create if need be.

We all agreed that the band had a very 60’s vibe to them. They didn’t sound like a poppy, hip band. We all got vibes such as Mercy by Duffy or a little bit of Amy Winehouse, especially the video for Duffy and the video of Valerie that Amy performed with Mark Ronson! We wanted our video to be empowering to women and have the vibes that the previous two artists gave in the respective videos that were mentioned. We also got a Great Gatsby vibe from the band as well and could envision that kind of set up.

Me, Mhairi and Sam worked on a script, I wrote it out and then handed it to Mhairi who then made her changes and then she handed it to Sam to make his changes. We came up with the idea of a woman singing on stage to a single man in the audience, the woman is singing this song to him and by the end of it she breaks up with him.

I also created a video that showcased the artists and films that inspired us to go with the idea that we had. It also added an extra layer to the overall presentation.

The challenge we faced here was making sure our idea would work for the budget that the band had. This is where we all disagreed for a little while in our group as people didn’t think0 the idea we ended up with would work with he budget that the band had. However, we ended up going through our options for locations that could be used and people who felt unsure were more optimistic about the ability to create the music video.

Health and Safety weren’t an issue here as we weren’t going anywhere and simply used computers to create a presentation.


Duffy. (2009). Duffy – Mercy [Internet Video]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Music Hits BR. (2017) Mark Ronson, Amy Winehouse – Valerie [Clipe Oficial] (Legendado/Tradução) [Internet Video]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

The Great Gatsby. (2013) [Film]. Directed By Baz Luhrmann. Australia, USA. Warner Bros.

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