York Travel Vlog and Instagram Vlog


Instagram Vlog


350 Words

For this task we had to create a vlog that was three minutes in duration and then a shorter one minute long one for Instagram. These vlogs would showcase York, we had to make it appeal to newcomers of York and the younger generation. So, we had to make the vlog upbeat and capture York in a few different ways. York is a very historical place and we needed to capture that whilst making it appealing.

The challenge that started here first was the amount of footage and places we would have to visit. Visiting new and old places to get a nice contrast and to make it young but also keep York’s history in it and make it appealing to newcomers. I think we managed this well. It just took us a few different shoots to do, so we had all the footage we wanted.

An issue for me was that I wasn’t trained on the Jig and Track due to being ill on the day tech sessions took place, so it limited the types of equipment I could use on the days of filming. When using this equipment, I took on the role of runner, which although not the most fun of roles, was needed on the days of shooting as there was a lot of equipment and everyone needed a helping hand on the set with something or another. Seeing as I lacked the experience needed to operate this equipment it made sense. But it was great to see the equipment in use by everyone else and I feel I’d learned a nice amount about them both and how they work through watching my group use them.

When researching about York I found a great site called York:PM, it listed a bunch of information on York’s past and had lists for restaurants and pubs that are all in York, hotels and things to do as well. It was a great site to aid in the navigation and planning of where to visit. “Your guide to What’s On, Where to Eat, What to Do and Where to Stay in York” (York:PM. 2019)

The equipment was quite a nightmare to carry around, I wasn’t expecting stuff to be so heavy to haul over York. It limited the distance we could travel on our first day of filming, thankfully on the next shooting day we were prepared for it and opted to use a car to get us around. I think we needed better planning out, as our group, seeing as we are in York and know it well though t we could just go to each area whenever and film, it turned out to not be the case. I think a better thought out plan would have seriously made production a lot smoother than it was.

With exploring York in the public and manoeuvring heavy equipment, there was a lot of potential risk involved for us and the public. We created a risk assessment that highlighted all the possible problems that could cause risk in our shoot and got it signed off by out lecturer.



York:PM. 2019. York:PM [Internet]. Available from http://www.york-pm.co.uk/ [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

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