Music Video

Script for Music Video

David Bowie Script (Sean Lawson)

Music Video Script (Final)


350 Words

So, for this task we were to follow on from the music video pitch, which had got us into the creative mind space of music videos and got us all pumped up to create one. We however were to create a new idea to the last one we made, and we had to make the music video to a song that was already out by an artist as opposed to making one for an up and coming band. My group came to a decision to do the song Rebel, Rebel by David Bowie. We planned to create a story centred around Sam and him accepting that he is a she and owning who she is. We would cut to shots of Jack dressed as David Bowie lip syncing the song.

I created the script. As we needed a story that would run through with Sam, I put in the scenes with Jack as well to keep the flow of the music video idea and to help in the editing process of what the final video would look like. This was the first time I ever wrote a music video script, so what I did was to look up how they look and read. I saw different comments from various people who had wrote them, that all mimicked the same thing “Basically you just write it as a normal short script but with the intent to have music playing over it. It’s important to understand the basis behind the song” (Walley, C. 2018) this way I knew that what I was creating was correct. There are of course a variety ways scripts can be created and laid out.

I also was on set doing the lighting we had planned, setting up equipment that was needed, using the clapper board and then general help that a runner would do.

Challenges we faced was the ambitiousness of the idea, it was a big task to do in a short space of time, especially with other tasks on going as well. We also had to consider that impersonating David Bowie was no easy thing and we were ware that the scenes with Jack may come across quite out of place and gimmicky, but most people in the group wanted that idea to remain in, so we all went fourth together to create it. I also was to familiar with David Bowie’s song and had to look into it and David as a whole when creating the script so I could get a better understanding of what the song was all about.

Health and safety was for operating of the equipment that if not use correctly could cause harm. In the filming process one of the screens of a monitor got cracked, due to no one’s fault, the stand holding it up, just collapsed and the screen cracked due to this, the techs were informed right away and because we had our risk assessment and they could see it was no one’s fault, we weren’t in trouble. If we hadn’t had the risk assessment, we would have had to face repercussions from equipment being broken while in use.


Walley, C. (2018). How to write a music video script [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Top Pop. (2015).  David Bowie – Rebel Rebel • TopPop [Internet Video]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]