Sophie Melhuish - Portfolio (3DD014)

Profesional Portfolio to Share My Work

About Me

My name is Sophie Melhuish, I am currently a Drama Student at York St John University coming to the end of my studies of Drama: Education & Community. I have been into drama ever since I was young, always being dramatic and being called a ‘drama queen’. Ever since I was old enough to study this throughout school, I was the first one at the opportunity.

Aside my studies in the performing arts industry, I have always loved helping people and working within the community. I was a voluntary leader for the Duke of Edinburgh, in which I helped lower school accomplish their tasks. I also completed a First Aid course with St John’s Ambulance during my time in the National Citizen Service. As well as this, I did bag packing at my local supermarket in which we raised money and gathered food items from generous members of the public, which all went to a local food bank where I helped sort food out, bring food to help disperse to people. This was an eye-opening experience which allowed me to never take anything for granted.

I have created this online portfolio so I can showcase my talents and experiences. Throughout this website you will get know about me and my interests within theatre, such as practitioners or techniques that have inspired me, what I am planning on doing in the future, looking at requirements for Drama therapy and matching my skills and experiences to a specific job roles and evidence of my talent and experiences.

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