Sophie Melhuish - Portfolio (3DD014)

Profesional Portfolio to Share My Work

Drawing on evidence from your portfolio, what would you identify as the most significant moments of insights to your learning as a practitioner?

Throughout my studies and learning as a practitioner there has been many significant moments that have stood out to me and helped me to start my career, and allowed me to have the experiences to hell shape my degree and again, career path. Specifically the modules assigned to my degree title (education and community), have been the most helpful and useful for my future. This is because as mentioned I have been able to gain different experiences and take on different roles.

These include, working as a facilitator working in a school in Hull, and working with the students with a piece of TIE theatre and allowing them to explore the themes mentioned such as child sexual exploitation, being safe online and learning what is ok and not ok, and I was able to support them with this learning.

I had the opportunity to volunteer with Converge, which is taught by staff and students to local people who use mental health services. This was very eye opening to work with these students and to hear some of the stories they had. It was a proud moment to watch them develop throughout the time I was there, also to learn and share new skills with each other. This group ranged from 20 to around 50 years old, so not a group that I was confident in Working with, but it brought out my confidence and developed my communication skills. Ive definitely learnt things about myself such as what I didn’t think I was ever confident with, and overcame that.

As well as these experiences, I have had the knowledge that goes with this to broaden my learning, such as, learning how to network within the industry and how to approach people online about possibilities of watching or sharing work. This is something I will definitely take forward with me following on from my studies.

Following on from my studies, we have had opportunities for professional speakers to come in and help us focus on our career and where/what/how to get there. This has allowed me to create the professional portfolio including my CV and Cover letter. I did this in secondary education but in a general format, it was important that I specified my CV to drama and theatre so that my skills are show and enhanced, and relevant to the employer or head of further education I am wanting in the future.

Another significant insight to my learning as a practitioner, was going to Poland in my second year of uni. This trip was to help with ideas and inspiration for a module called Artist as Witness. This was about creating theatre based on real life events even though we haven’t witnessed it. We had the opportunity to go to Auschwitz, which was such a surreal experience. We got to see and learn so much about what really happened and the brutality of it. This put a lot of things into perspective for me and inspired me a lot.

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