Sophie Melhuish - Portfolio (3DD014)

Profesional Portfolio to Share My Work

How is your identity as a practitioner both reflected in the portfolio; and produced by the portfolio?

My identity as a practitioner is produced and reflected by my portfolio because I have gathered all of my experiences, knowledge and skills into one place and allowed myself to reflect on these experiences, in order to form a plan for my future. An example of relevant work experience I have had, is working in a school with young people in an educational setting. Although teaching has never been a wanted career of mine, having the opportunity to work with these students allowed me to create a rapport with them and decide if a career with children and young people was an option for me or not.

Drama therapists can work within schools, so this is an option for me in my career if that’s the route I decide to go down, knowing the experience I have had with this age group. It is Important I have experience working with different ages and abilities so that as a practitioner I know which I can engage with best and create a clear, comfortable and working rapport with the individual in order for me to give the best professional help in the future. My portfolio has allowed me to gain and develop skills to show when applying for jobs or further education. I have also found things that I like and dislike which is fine in this industry, their will be aspects I am better suited too etc. This helped me focus my interests to the aspects that will help within my career. It is important to have an open mind when it comes to theatre because there is so much opportunity within the industry. A lot of skills and knowledge I have learnt are very transferable and I can take this with me whilst moving on in my career.

My identity as a practitioner is reflected and produced in my portfolio in a professional manner and clearly shows what I am wanting for my future and how I am going to get there. It’s important I am aware of the options that I can take within my career and which ones are suitable for me, therefore being aware how to work my way up to being a accredited Dramatherapist.

My portfolio has shown me that I can present what I have to offer in a professional manner in order to reach my goals of getting a job or continuing my studies. I have managed to build my confidence and independence throughout my degree which is shown throughout my portfolio, I am happy to say that I feel confident and independent enough to head into the performing arts or (mental)health care industry and put my skills and practice to good use and make a difference to people’s lives for the better, or even just support them through situations and give advice as a professional. I am ready for the challenges I may face and hurdles I will have to overcome, but this will only make me want to work harder to get where I want to be.

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