Sophie Melhuish - Portfolio (3DD014)

Profesional Portfolio to Share My Work

What do you want to do next and how do your think your portfolio evidences and helps this ambition?

I am aiming to become a Drama-therapist, mainly focusing on children and young people. I am hoping to do a Master in a Dramatherapy at the university of Derby, However, not sure if I want to take a year out or carry straight on with my studies. If I do take a gap year I would like to gain as much hands on experience as I can with children and young people or some sort of experience that will help me with my masters and in the future job role, whether this is voluntary or paid. However, if I decide to carry on with education and do a masters, I will find a job to support my financial state, as well as relevant experience alongside my studies. This shows I have knowledge on my job role, how to get there and what is needed to become successful in this career. I have done a lot of research about being a Dramatherapist and will continue to do that throughout my studies or year of experience. This also shows the passion I have for this job and I hope that any future employers or head of further study also see’s my dedication towards my interest and passion for being a Dramatherapist.

My portfolio evidences my ambition because, as stated before I have had a lot of experiences with different ages and different people, from pre-schoolers to people with bad mental health. I have developed many skills which have been stated in my CV, and shown in my presentation of projects I have undertaken throughout my studies. Skills such as sensitive and mature, communication, facilitation and customer awareness. My CV is a place where I can collate all my experiences and skills all into one place to create a powerful CV, to show my employer or head of a potential further education what I have to offer and why I should be considered for the place of study or place of work. It also shows that I always like to be working and being active due to being employed since I was 17, and the opportunities and experiences I have chosen to do in my spare time as well as the opportunities I have been lucky enough to have through university. I have successfully managed to understand and learn how to write a good cover letter and the ability to adapt it to specified Job’s etc. This allowed me to highlight my strongest achievements and moments I have had throughout my studies so far or even outside my studies.

Throughout my portfolio I have shown my passion towards wanting to help people and how I have helped people in the past, how much I like to be working to keep me busy and creating experiences, as well as keeping myself financially stable. I have also shown my knowledge on specific topics and my opinions on them. Having completed a mental health awareness training course through uni, I am driven to complete a mental health training course online which will give me a qualification to enhance and show my skills and knowledge within this area. This will add to my CV and something that I can carry with me in life to show my passion and willingness towards the taboo subject of mental health.

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