
It is now the year 2035 and education has come a long way, especially with the help of technology. Now there has been a large increase in online schools and a decrease where there are schools that are open to attend to. Robots are helping teachers and classrooms are filled with technological devices to aid learning. This webpage displays just how far education has come with the advancement of technology.

There was a prediction from Facer and Sandford (2010) back in 2010, where they estimated that over the next 20 years, there will be more older adults still working and learning. Due to balancing out work, education, and downtime, it will see younger people incorporating all aspects of their life together, which will result in extending education activities to be for anyone at any age.

A critical part of educational history that kickstarted the technological advancement in education was the pandemic in 2020 due to COVID-19. The world was put in lockdown, which meant all education had to transfer to online learning (Fields and Hartnett, 2020). Experiencing education through technology was a taste of what technology could do to aid learners. Iivari, Sharma and Venta-Olkkonen (2020) also stated that this has shown that extensive digital transformation is needed to meet individuals’ needs and how the future will be for young people.  

This webpage includes discussions about robots in schools, not needing buildings for education anymore, whether technology has made education more equal and the different ways of learning today.

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