Terms of Use

Acceptance of Terms

When you use a York St John blog (the Blog) you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Use (Terms of Use) set out below. Please note that the University may amend these Terms of Use without notice at any time, so please ensure you review them regularly.

  1. The University’s Acceptable Use Policy applies to Blogs.
  2. yorksj.ac.uk hosts blogs related to official University business, including but not limited to blogs for research groups, professional services offices and individual academics and their students.
  3. Blogs are the responsibility of their owner/administrator.
  4. You agree not to use the Blog to:
    1. advertise material information relating to the structure or content of courses
    2. provide information to prospective students that could form part of the contract between the University and the student
  5. Blogs on this server may be removed if they have been inactive for six months or more.
  6. The University does not exercise proactive editorial control over blog content; in particular, comments posted about blog entries express only the individual views of the person posting those comments.
  7. Blog owners should monitor comments added to their posts and respond in a timely fashion.
  8. The University will not actively monitor blog content, but will act where alerted to activities on our blogs which breach these guidelines; in the case of a complaint, we would typically contact the blog’s owner in the first instance, except where a breach is clear and it is judged that immediate action is required, in which case a blog entry may be suspended pending further investigation.
  9. Copyright laws apply to Blogs, and no material (including text, images and other media) may be posted to the Blog unless the author is certain that all necessary copyright clearance has been given. Comprehensive Copyright guidance is available from Library & Learning Services.
  10. Disaster Recovery: in the event of server hardware failure a system restore will follow and the risk of lost items could be incurred. No out of hours support will be provided.
  11. Any queries about this service should be addressed to support@yorksj.ac.uk.