York Press report on YSJ MAB injustice

York Press reports: York St John lecturer's shock at wage inside June pay packet 21st July Full story here "A UNIVERSITY lecturer has said her June pay packet was reduced to ‘less than the minimum wage’ because of an ongoing pay and conditions dispute. The dispute involves staff at York St John University and the University of York and Labour’s education spokesperson at City of York Council has expressed concern over the lack of progress. Dr Suzy Fitzpatrick is lecturer in geography at St John and local branch secretary of the University and College Union (UCU), which is in dispute with the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). UCU launched a nationwide marking and assessment boycott of students work on April 20 this year and Dr Fitzpatrick stated that she wasn’t told by the university when deductions from her salary for ‘partial performance’ of her contract would occur. Dr Fitzpatrick said: “What UCEA recommended universities did was impose a pay deduction on staff. “They recommended deducting 100 per cent of staff salaries while staff...
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Letter to YSJ students about MAB

Dear Student, The University and College Union (UCU) branch of York St John University would like to provide you with an update to the Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB), part of nationally coordinated industrial action that is affecting most universities in the UK at the present time. Your grades may be affected by this boycott. Firstly, every member of staff participating in the boycott understands the uncertainty, anxiety and difficulty that students may be experiencing as a result of the action, and has considered its potential impacts extremely carefully. It is not comfortable or easy for any of us to risk the dispute impacting our students by causing delays to marks and other uncertainties about progression, study abroad plans or visas, and accordingly we hope our employers will agree to return to negotiations as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss any aspect of this dispute with members of the UCU Branch Committee, to pledge your solidarity or to ask questions, please use the email at the top of the page. We...
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