Latest Pay Negotiations Update

Below is the latest update sent to the branch from the Higher Education Service Group Executive


Pay rates for non-clinical staff covered by HE national agreements will be increased as follows:

With effect from 1 August 2017:

University employers have made a final offer of 1.7% increase on all points from 1 August 2017 with additional payments at the lower end of the pay spine.

On London Weighting, the offer is 1.7% for post-92 HEIs that retain a separate allowance.

The lowest pay spine point from August 2017 would equate to £8.45 per hour for employees on a 35 hour week. This offer also includes tapered increases through to 1.7% on point 17 and above from 1 August 2017. (See table below)

Final offer – pay spine points 1 to 16

2016-17 2017-18 (final offer) *
Spine point Salary Hourly rates (35hr) Salary Increase Hourly rates (35hr week) Hourly rates (36hr week) Hourly


(37hr week)

% increase
2 15052 8.25 15418 366 8.45 8.21 7.99 2.43
3 15356 8.41 15720 364 8.61 8.37 8.14 2.37
4 15670 8.59 16035 365 8.79 8.54 8.31 2.33
5 15976 8.75 16342 366 8.95 8.70 8.47 2.29
6 16289 8.93 16654 365 9.12 8.87 8.58 2.24
7 16618 9.11 16982 364 9.30 9.04 8.80 2.19
8 16961 9.29 17326 365 9.49 9.23 8.98 2.15
9 17399 9.53 17764 365 9.73 9.46 9.20 2.10
10 17898 9.81 18263 365 10.00 9.72 9.46 2.04
11 18412 10.09 18776 364 10.28 10.00 9.73 1.98
12 18940 10.38 19305 365 10.57 10.28 10.00 1.93
13 19485 10.68 19849 364 10.87 10.38 10.28 1.87
14 20046 10.98 20411 365 11.18 10.87 10.58 1.82
15 20624 11.30 20989 365 11.50 11.18 10.87 1.77
16 21220 11.63 21585 365 11.83 11.49 11.18 1.72

* Spine point figures and hourly rates for 2017/18 are approximate.


Gender pay – specific proposals are:

  • A joint statement to be issued outlining shared aspiration to see the gender pay gap closing and action planning at HEI’s.
  • Joint work on a survey of HEI’s gender pay gap action planning.
  • TU’s to conduct parallel survey about the involvement of staff reps in action planning at local level.
  • Take the issue forward with ECU and look at intersectionality with other protected characteristics.

Casual employmentspecific proposals are:

  • Firm commitment to a joint meeting of new JNCHES in October 2017 to review the output of existing projects.

UNISON’s HESGE Committee’s views on the offer:

UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) met on the 4 May 2017 to discuss UCEA’s full and final offer on 2017 / 18 pay.

The Service Group Executive’s view is that this offer is the best to be achieved by negotiation and that if members vote to reject the offer, sustained and prolonged industrial action will be required.

York St John Unison branch will be carrying out a consultative ballot of Unison members and sending the results back to the Higher Education Service Group Executive.

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