York Business School Blog


Student Success Story!

My name is Emma Johnson and I’m currently lecturing in the Business School at. YSJ. 

I have a master’s in International Marketing at distinction level and a BA (Hons) in Business management obtaining a 1st classification.

I’m extremely happy with my achievements considering when I started my secondary education age 11, I had the reading age of 8 due to my dyslexia being overlooked in my primary school.


I was assessed and received additional tuition to bring me up to speed and then my real education began.  I enrolled at York College who offer guidance for students who require additional learning support.  Over the 2 years, I achieved a first in Business Studies and was voted the Business Student of the year.  I wanted to continue my education and after research discovered YSJ offered the courses I found interesting along with the network of support, I found particularly beneficial.   

This university is relatively small compared to some of the other institutions I considered but this enabled me to develop better relationships with the lecturers.   It was very important that I could liaise with the tutors as I didn’t just want to be known as just a student ID number! This university has nurtured and enabled me to drive and push to reach limits I could not imagine when I was a young girl struggling to read “The Twilight” trilogy of books.   It’s been very hard work and I’ve sacrificed many party nights to commit to extra studies but I don’t regret a single minute. 

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