York Business School Blog


Enhancing Work Readiness Skills for Sports and Events Management

First year BA Sports Business Management and BA Events Management students benefited from a behind the scenes trip to YorkCity Football Club earlier this month. They learnt about the revenue streams in the business, how the club engages fans, the operations side of the events and how the club is coping during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commercial Manager at York City Football Club, Chris Pegg, gave a presentation to the students during the visit, which included insights into the development of his own employability and how the students could enhance their own work readiness skills. He also shared details about the club’s imminent move to their new stadium at Monks Cross.

Chris commented: “We were delighted to host York St John University at the club. They were a great group of students who were very engaged and keen to learn about sport and events management in the ‘real world’. We’re looking forward to further developing our relationship with the University.”

Rebecca Padgett, Course Leader for Marketing, Sports Management, Events and Tourism Courses at York Business School organised the visit. She added: “This was a wonderful trip with some really engaged students and questions. Following the visit we are now working towards the development of some life briefs in Semester 2 for our students to work on as part of their studies.”

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