The York Ghost Signs Project

Ebor Dairy


Address: 95 Holgate Road, York, YO24 4BB (above Holgate Bridge Store)



On Holgate Road, faint traces of a bygone sign remain, suggesting the former presence of ‘The Ebor Dairy’ in dark lettering against a white backdrop.



The historical records from White’s Directory offer insights into the Ebor Dairy Co’s establishment in 1886, operating until at least 1895.


The company engaged in various trades including tea dealing, confectionery, and dairy products.


Their operations extended to premises located on Holgate Road and Lady Peckett’s Yard. 


This means that Ebor Dairy operated alongside J.H. Storey Cordwainer, who displayed another ghost sign that still remains today in Lady Peckett’s Yard


Photo taken between 1886-1895


However, by 1897, ownership transitioned to William Fredk Chambers, indicating the closure of Ebor Dairy.


The 1901 census reflects Thomas Alfred Hutchinson, a grocer, and his wife Charlotte residing at 1 Holgate Terrace, suggesting a change in occupation at the former Ebor Dairy location.


In the subsequent 1911 census, the Hutchinsons remained in the grocery business, now residing at 1 Watson St.


1905 – In the distance ‘T.A. Hutchinsons’ can be made out, showing that the ‘Ebor Dairy’ sign was painted over by the new owner, Thomas Alfred Hutchinson.


Got thoughts or a story to share about this iconic sign? We’re all ears—drop your comments below and join the conversation!


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