The York Ghost Signs Project

Fishergate Newsagency


Address: 32 Fishergate, York, YO10 4AB



A narrow painted wooden sign, affixed above a doorway, boldly declares ‘Fishergate Newsagency’ in yellow font against a blue background.




The “Fishergate Newsagency” ghost sign in York offers a glimpse into the city’s commercial history, specifically related to local newsagents.


Although little is specifically known about the business from the sign alone, the evolution of York’s phone number system provides clues to its operational timeline.


York’s phone numbers expanded from four to five digits in the mid to late 1950s and from five to six digits in early 1982, indicating that Fishergate Newsagency was active during this period.


The business was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Darking throughout the 1960s and 1970s. It later transitioned to being known as “Fishergate News,” during which time the original sign was covered with more modern signage.


1992 – Underneath the ‘Sun’ sign is the Fishergate Newsagency ghost sign


In 2024, the original ghost sign was exposed once again after Fishergate News closed down, revealing a piece of the locale’s history.


Currently, the sign remains visible, though there is speculation about whether it will be covered again by new occupants.


Got thoughts or a story to share about this iconic sign? We’re all ears—drop your comments below and join the conversation!


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