The York Ghost Signs Project

Gillygate Surgery


Address: 30 Gillygate, York, YO31 7EQ



A sign above a doorway on Gillygate features frosted glass with the words “Gillygate Surgery” in bold, block capital letters.


The crisp lettering stands out against the translucent background, hinting at the building’s past medical use.




Originally constructed in 1769 as two separate houses by Robert Clough, this building underwent a transformation in the 19th century to serve as both a doctor’s surgery and a shop.


By the mid-20th century, the medical practices expanded with advances in healthcare.


Surgeries began to include more sophisticated diagnostic equipment, such as X-ray machines and early versions of blood pressure monitors.


Source: York Press


The doctors were often general practitioners who handled everything from childbirth to end-of-life care, playing a vital role in the well-being of their communities.


The shop, meanwhile, might have sold pharmaceuticals, general goods, or even specialized items depending on the era and the needs of the community.



This blend of commercial and medical services made the building a bustling center of daily life in the area.


Despite its long service to the community, the building eventually closed its doors in 2015.


However, its legacy as a cornerstone of local healthcare and commerce continues to be remembered through its preserved architecture and the ghost signs that hint at its storied past.


Got thoughts or a story to share about this iconic sign? We’re all ears—drop your comments below and join the conversation!


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