The York Ghost Signs Project

Health Food Stores


Address: 8 Gillygate, YO31 7EQ (now No.8 Bistro)



Discover a unique sloping rectangular mosaic at the shop’s entrance featuring a white background encased in red and black borders.


“Health Food Stores” proudly stands in block capitals at the centre, with a white Yorkshire rose adorning each bottom corner.




Step into the pioneering spirit of York’s very first health food store, a venture that sprang to life in 1938 under the careful management of Laura Haw.


Initially known as Wylie, Barr & Ross, this trailblazer made its home at 8 Gillygate and marked a new chapter in the city’s dietary history.


1927 – Depot warehouse of Wyllie, Barr & Ross


Its shelves were a testament to its diversity, offering everything from international delights and vegetarian staples to local sweets, alternative medicines, and herbal cosmetics.


Though its journey saw it relocate first to 11 Davygate in 1956 and then to 1 Blake Street in 1968—the essence of the Health Food Store remained unchanged.


Until its doors closed in August 1986, it was a beacon of wellness in York.



Today, where once stood jars of herbal remedies and shelves of health foods, now resides No.8 Bistro, an upmarket café, continuing the tradition of serving the community, albeit in a different form.


The legacy of the York Health Food Store lives on, a cherished chapter in the city’s vibrant tapestry.


Got thoughts or a story to share about this iconic sign? We’re all ears—drop your comments below and join the conversation!


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