The York Ghost Signs Project

Janette Ray


Address: 8 Bootham, York, YO30 7BL



A bright blue building features a large white rectangular sign reading: “Janette Ray. Rare and Out of Print Books Bought and Sold. Architecture, Design & Garden. Tel: 01904 623088.”


This sign is somewhat controversial because it promotes a business still operating at this location.



Although it’s an advertisement for a company still in business today, it’s included in this collection because the style of the Janette Ray sign closely resembles the other ghost signs found throughout York.


Its classic style and paint-on-brick approach give it a ghost sign feel, which is why it’s part of our collection.


It’s as if this sign is attempting to imitate older York ghost signs.


Got thoughts or a story to share about this iconic sign? We’re all ears—drop your comments below and join the conversation!


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