Review of The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin

N K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season is the first book in an epic fantasy trilogy about a world wracked by earthquakes and volcanoes. Certain people – known as orogenes – have the power to control seismic activity, and their magical abilities are feared and exploited by the ruling society. The book tells the story of one orogene woman and her journey when a cataclysmic event, ‘the fifth season’, upends that society and provides orogenes with a chance to break the cycle of oppression. The world Jemisin builds, structured around the changing geological conditions, is complex, unique and fascinating. She subtly explores issues of racism while depicting a bizarre yet believable setting. Her use of alternating perspectives and timelines keeps the reader hooked throughout. A highly recommended and gripping read for fantasy fans and newcomers to the genre alike!

By Katherine Hughes, Academic Liaison Librarian at York St John University

Review of The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
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Katherine Hughes

Katherine Hughes is an Academic Liaison Librarian at York St John University, supporting several subjects across the Schools of Humanities, Education Language & Psychology, and Science Techology & Health. She is also responsible for York St John's Archives and Special Collections.

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