Review of The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling

The book is held up in front of the Minster with a blue sky background. The book has a girl and a boy on a broom in front of the moon. There is a gazebo below, street lamps, and stars.

Things a witch should absolutely not do:

1. Mix Vodka and Witchcraft

2. See above.

Things Vivi and her cousin Gwyn did under the influence of Vodka? Yup, you guessed it, ignored the golden rule and hexed her ex, Rhys Penhallow.

Rhys Penhallow; owner of incredible cheekbones, perfectly flippy hair, and the breaker of Vivi’s heart, also happens to be the heir of the town’s founder. What could possibly go wrong? 

Imagine the scene, utterly heartbroken and reeling from an unexpected breakup, Vivi does perhaps what any fledgling witch would do- has a few too many cocktails and decides to put a hex on Rhys. A relatively tame hex mind you, a bad hair day or two, nothing that evil…or so she thought. Surely her tipsy ramblings using a cheap scented candle wouldn’t actually work, right? 

Nine years later, Rhys is back for the Founders day celebration, and so too, it seems, are the effects of the hex. With ghosts scaring the locals and threatening to give the magical community away, can Vivi and Rhys work together to lift the curse?

The Ex Hex is an unashamedly feel-good, magical romp of a novel. If the Gilmore girls had met Sabrina and they all decided to write a novel together, I imagine that this is the story they would create.

Spell bindingly addictive, Erin Sterling’s novel is a fun, witchy-themed escapist read. 

By Izzy, Information Adviser at York St John

Review of The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling
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