What’s New in the Fountains Learning Centre

We’ve been busy over the summer making improvements to the library study spaces and collections. Here are four new changes you will find in the library:

1. Changed opening hours

The Library Information Services Desk has new opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 8.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am to 5.00pm
Sunday: Closed

The building remains open 24/7 on the ground floor, and the first and second floor are open from 6.00am to midnight.

2. More study spaces

We have moved some bookshelves to make space for more study desks across the first and second floors.

3. Redecoration

We’ve given the library a fresh coat of paint, replaced carpet on the second floor and applied colourful film to the balcony glass panels.

4. Book relocations

We have moved some books around in the library in order to create more study space and better use our library shelves.

Oversized books

We have a separate section of shelves for large books that don’t fit on the normal-sized library shelves. These oversized books used to be on the first floor, but have been moved to the rolling stacks on the ground floor.

Music scores

Our music scores used to be found on the second floor, but we have relocated these to the rolling stacks on the ground floor.

Relaxed Reads

Our Relaxed Reads collection contains many young adult and adult fiction books. These books used to be split across two locations: on the ground floor, next to the rolling stacks, and on the second floor. Now, we have moved all of them to the ground floor shelves.

You can borrow our Relaxed Reads just like any other book in the library. Read one on a study break to give your mind a rest, or take one home to enjoy and relax.

Why not come into the library to see the changes?

What’s New in the Fountains Learning Centre

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