Student LifeStudy

What to bring during your first week at university 

Depending on what course you are studying will depend on what items you will need to bring to university. However, this list below will help you pack your bag for your first week at university. Usually, you will most likely be bringing less than when you did at college/sixth form as you are more focused on one subject rather than three or four. 

Find a comfy bag 

Whether you like a tote bag, a backpack or you use whatever bag you can find. Choosing the right one which will be easy to carry and can fit everything in is very important. You don’t have to spend a fortune on a new bag, usually, one that you already have will do the trick.  

Student ID 

A very important one will be your student ID card as this is your way of signing into your seminars and lectures. So be sure to pick yours up during freshers’ week. I would keep your wallet/purse handy in your bag in general with your student ID always in it. 


Another important one is to have a planner/diary so you can keep track of your work, assignments and when your lecturers are. This could either be digital or physical which you carry around with you.  


Depending on your course or the type of teaching you have, you could either use a notepad or laptop to write up your notes. Whatever is easiest for you to carry around and make sure you bring to every session (if you bring a laptop, I recommend bringing a notepad too just in case you run out of charge).  

Water bottle 

Another essential would be a water bottle so you can keep hydrated during your seminars and lectures. You can either purchase one on campus or bring in a reusable bottle where you can fill it up in the canteen or around campus.  

Pencil case 

You don’t need to bring a full pencil case but ensuring you have a few pens and some backups in your bag is important in case one runs out or you need to lend one to a friend.  


You never know what the Great British weather will throw at you but always having something in your bag to protect you if it does start to rain is important. You can get small pocket size umbrellas which will be perfect to fit in a small bag. 

Other essentials 

Whether you like to carry around chewing gum, lip balm, tissues, snacks, headphones, portable chargers, hand sanitiser or anything else. It is a good idea to see how the week goes and add anything that you think of whilst you are at university.  


Hi, my name is Megan, and I am a recent graduate from York St John University. During my time at university, I learned a trick or two about life as a student, so I thought I’d share my experiences to help you get the most of yours.