Welcome in!

It’s a little bare inside at the moment, but we have furniture on it’s way soon insh’Allah! Just waiting on some deliveries, but whilst you are here, come, have a seat with us…

So we hope to make this society a hub and even a home away from home for anyone who wishes to not have an isolated experience of faith, inspired by the teachings of Islam. A meeting place for anyone looking for brotherhood, companionship and community. What are we about. In a sentence we are about ‘you’ at the centre of our heart. What are you into? What makes you happy? What are you good at? And we build up and grow from there.

Experience shows, it’s not the bricks or even the towering achievements that makes the society but the people and the beating hearts inside. And you don’t need to be muslim to join. In fact we had more non muslim/not yet muslim members in our first debut year in 2015. That was the same year we took home ‘Best Student Society of the Year’. Anything’s possible through the power of unity in inclusivity. So stay as much or as little as you like, just don’t be a stranger! And Everyone is most welcome so leave at our door any doubts of acceptance and bring your whole self. P.s. It was our deepest pride to have members from different backgrounds, beliefs, religions, sects, ages, students, staff and members of public (with zero ‘connection’ to the university; there’s a reason why we left ‘university’ from our logo).

To join just email us as islamicsociety@yorksj.ac.uk

You are missed. So be back soon!

From everyone here at the Isoc

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