(3MD002) Magazine blog post 1

(3MD002) Magazine blog post 1

Week 1 This was the introduction to both the module and the tasks that we would be expected to carry out in order to complete it, including the deadline for the production of a "Yorkie" magazine. During the lecture and subsequent SOL time, the group looked at how the magazine industry is split by types of publication; consumer, customer, business to business and niche. We then individually analysed a magazine and shared our thoughts, this helped to look at how a number of different publications are put together and get a grasp of what our own magazine has the potential to look like.  As well as this there was a re-visiting of and evaluation of feature introduction writing, the task involved splitting into pairs and re-writing a story introduction in a new style. In my group we looked at creating a shocking effect, from an article covering a tragic story about an accident at a major US holiday park: "264 steps, 168 feet...
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