Alice Smith

Theatre Practitioner & Actor

Intimacy Workshop

In November 2019, we travelled to the York St John campus in London to participate in an intimacy workshop. This intimacy workshop aimed to help us as theatre makers to ensure the company we work with are comfortable and at ease through sessions. 

When creating and participating in theatre, it is essential to maintain a mutual respect between all participants and to listen and understand. At no point through the creative process of theatre making, should the actor or crew member be made to feel at unease or uncomfortable. We also discussed these boundaries when participating in auditions, or working for someone else as an actor. Theatre and the arts are known for pushing the boundaries of human relationships and bonds- but it is essential to ensure respect and understanding through doing this. Actors should not feel forced into a situation they are not comfortable in. 

The intimacy workshop we participated in explored physical contact between yourself and fellow actors/theatre creators through the creative process. One activity we explored was asking for specific permission. For example, ‘Could I touch your right shoulder with my left hand?’. The question was specific and precise and allowed the fellow participant to fully understand what was being asked, and they were aware of what would happen to them. This also allowed the participant to decline if they feel at all uncomfortable. We also used this to explore the ‘safe’ areas and also the places people would rather not be touched. This was discussed before any physical contact occurred so to ensure these boundaries were respected and held. 

This intimacy training is incredibly important for both actors and theatre creators alike to explore and participate in before starting any performance or rehearsal process. The respect and well being of performers and directors alike is the most important thing- and it must be respected at all times. 

You CAN say no! Your body, your choice! Saying nothing, IS NOT consent!


If you need help with anything stated above, you are not alone!

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