54 years and counting…

We’re used to hosting alumni reunions here at York St John, it’s always great to see our former students reconnecting with familiar faces, a lot of whom haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years. Many of the groups that we welcome back have arranged their reunion to coincide with a significant milestone, 40 years since they graduated, 50 years since they first enrolled, and so on . One group of former students however, made a commitment when they left York St John in 1961, that they would meet up for a reunion at least once every year. This week, we welcomed Terry, Michael, John and Roger back to York St John, for what was their 54th consecutive annual reunion, since their first back reunion in 1962.


2016: The 54th consecutive annual reunion. From left to right: John, Roger, Michael, and Terry

The ‘5 and a half club’ as they’re known, (after a children’s reading scheme they were familiar with, which in some years had five attendees, and in others had six.) all qualified as teachers in 1961, and despite now live all over the country,  have continued to commit to their annual reunion for six decades.

Many of our reunion groups enjoy a tour of the campus when they visit, but coming back to York every year means that unlike most alumni groups, the 5 and a half club have had the unique insight of seeing the gradual changes on an annual basis. They are all in very clear agreement though, that the campus is a very different place now, to how it looked 54 years ago.

Over coffee, the group recalled some tales from their time as students, many of which will sound familiar to other former students from the same period. Student accommodation in the main quad building (now all staff offices), set meal times throughout the day (where you were expected to bow to the top table should you arrive late!), the lawn in the quad being out of bounds to students, and an evening curfew of 11:00. Student life has certainly changed quite a bit.

5 and a half club

The 5 and a half club in full, from their 2015 reunion. From left to right: Peter, Terry, Michael, John, and Roger.

Their visit to York this year was stretched over a number of days, with the visit to the campus occupying just one of their days together. Unfortunately, the fifth member of the group, Peter, wasn’t able to join up with the group in time for their visit to the campus, but arrived the day after to enjoy the rest of the reunion.

Thanks again to the 5 and a half club for continuing to come back to York St John, we’re already looking forward to welcoming you back again next year, for what will be the 55th consecutive reunion.


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1 Response

  1. p.monether says:

    Terry and co – sorry I wasn’t on campus last week. At least I feel safe in the knowledge that next year you’ll be here again! Outstanding record – 54 years – quite amazing commitment. Cheers,

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